T+60 min: Begin to drink 3g acacia tea and 1g of psilocybin mushrooms. While consuming this, I draw a bath and prepare the room for Isolation Tank work. The yoga has settled my stomach and root chakra regions, and my lung and heart chakras are nice and pumped from smoking. Warm tingles rise and fall with my breath and concentration, the more I focus on my perceptions, the more tingly I feel. The more distracted I get, the less good I feel. This is probably an indication of how Happiness can only be created internally for the self, otherwise you would have to take it from elsewhere, causing a vacuum of negative energy or bad karma or w/e. I find when I meditate and get really in the zone, I use this feeling, rather than my breath as the cornerstone of my focus. Its the feeling you get right before all the hair stands up on your body, the chill before the goosebumps, that wonderful feeling that encompasses the entire body while holding in an enormous breath of air.
T+90 min: I enter the isolation tank, and start to clear my mind. Images very similar to a man seated and meditating, surrounded by a tree of life and it rising and falling with lights slowly arose out of the darkness, and I continue to focus on full, deep breaths. That seems to be the key to good hallucinations and sensations, you just have to breath deep the entire time. Once your body gets used to the change in oxygen levels, you begin to trip really hard. Isolation tank work is always very wild, I always get to the building blocks of my consciousness rather than anything particular about my life. None of the traumas I know I've suppressed or anything, since I'm fairly certain I've let go of most of them, but the building blocks in my consciousness that they have affected. This is very useful, since I can see which behaviors have a basis in the things I dislike about people. It helps me curb it in myself, which seems keep the other people from exhibiting the negative behaviors as strongly. Usually people act in a way when confronted by something similar, and use the negative reaction to defend themselves. Still, personal responsibility dictates both have a responsibility to temper their reactions.
T+150 min: Dry off and go back to my room and put on music. Smoke more cannabis. Meditate further. Like the ancient ideal of morals, there are three sides of the battle, three sides of each tale, three solutions or options to each situation. We are faced with the options to perform our normal function and help others, while maintaining one's own safety and not exerting excessive amounts of effort, to not help the other for it will lead to harming one's self, or to go above and beyond one's duty and outperform your normal functions. Good, bad, and Uber. God, Satan and Jesus, almost. You can have a set of rules upon which you function, in hopes it is good, and constantly refine the system upon which things operate under. You can have an set of punishments, in hopes they will prevent those from doing these unfortunate actions. Or we can maintain a vigil and attain a level of consciousness where we do not wish to ever perform bad deeds, to only achieve for thy fellow man, to have such a duty to state and family that one acts purely selfishly and selflessly, for a truly powerful person has an understanding that he must make others happy to become happy himself. Ubermensh, Superman, Spartan, whatever you wish to call this person, who has forsaken material possessions, yet maintains a fine edge for with which to destroy all that seeks to destroy the beautiful world he wishes to exist in, and for it to exist for others to appreciate. It's that voice in the back of your head that tells you to go a little bit further, a little bit harder, a little bit longer. Achieve things that no one you know has done.
No one you know, for you only know yourself. One's inner world is the platform upon which they confront the outside world, and if one's platform is weak or filled with clutter, rather than having been built up with hours and hours of effort and pain and sweat and focus into a fortress from where you can defeat any challenge in front of you. One must put effort into their mind, their body and their spirit. And hone the edge of the blade, until the end. When Death finds you, may he find you alive.