

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Gummy Bears


  • 2 oz kosher or food-grade vegetable glycerin
  • 2 oz refined coconut oil
  • 1-4 oz water, 1 oz increments by preference and technical ability, less water means better consistency but harder to set into molds
  • 3 oz unflavored gelatin
  • 3 oz Jello packet, the organic ones are awesome for this for fruit based terpenes for a better entourage effect and metabolism
  • The oils you wish to infuse, properly decarbed or using edible materials, or realistically, anything you wish to infuse into coconut oil or VG and is heat stable through the recipe.
Tools Required
  1. Determine if oils need decarboxylation, or heating to activate inactive acids into active lipids, commonly THC-a into delta-9-THC. Using distilled oils, rosins, and full spectrum edible oils do not require this step. Heat in pyrex cup for 7-11 minutes at 300F in the oven until fragrant and bubbling. You will lose terpenes but you're looking to activate cannabinoids. Inhale them terps, they're aromatic and it does work like that. 
  2. Add VG and coconut oil to Pyrex and place in pot/double boiler. Heat gently til essential oils are fully dissolved. This step ensured double infusion activity, some will go into the VG, some will go into the coconut oil and both have radically different metabolisms. [FAT and SUGAR ALCOHOL]
  3. Heat til quite runny, and then begin slowly mixing in 1 oz of unflavored gelatin at a time (it comes in 1 oz packets usually, Knox or Walmart brand, gotta use gelatin sorry vegans), and whisk while mixing to prevent clumping. But its not a big deal if there are clumps, the next steps will take care of it. This step engages triple infusion, [COLLAGEN PROTEIN]
  4. Add Jello Mix and you can just dump it all in at once, cuz the citric acid and flavors and colors in it will break down any clumps from earlier. 
  5. Whip til smooth, leave on heat to bloom for 5-10 min, stirring occasionally. This is where everything emulsifies. A pinch of citric acid helps if you have it, but its not necessary cuz Jello has it. A pinch of table salt is also a good idea, just cuz its a good idea and you're likely in a kitchen though, not for any particular purpose other than salt. Well, no, it changes how the proteins bond I guess, but not enough with just a pinch. I'll look into this, salty jello seems weird but if it works, it works lol. 
  6. Pour into molds. A food-grade condiment dispenser helps loads with this, you just squeeze it out into the molds like ketchup. Tedious and hot, but pretty easy. 
  7. Set in the fridge or freezer. Optionally, leave them in there for a few days ad the fridge will pull the moisture out, or pop em out, leave em open on the counter for 2 hours to "sweat" the water out of em, then get em cold again and they good. After you sweat them, you can add powdered sugar or citric acid for sweet n sour coating. 
  8. Calculate weight of total essential oils added to number of gummies you make, and determine their potency. 1500mg into this recipe tends to make 150 10mg bears. 2-3 bears is plenty for most people, and I'd never recommend a person eat more than 5 at once. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How to combat Ayahuasca Nausea?
-I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the Ayahuasca Dieta and its adherence is one, surefire way to assure a much reduced level of nausea from the brew, while still providing all the purgative benefits. However, strict adherence over at least a 2 week period depending on individual body type is quite the caveat to modern life, not to mention coming off of SSRI's, anti-psychotics, and other pharmaceutical drugs many rely on for function for an even longer period of 6-12 weeks. I'm not advocating those drugs, but I am here to try and provide a harm-reduction approach that has worked for me in the past. By adding or subtracting certain alkaloids in the mix, you can affect your reaction. Ginger, green tea, chamomile, honey, and lemon juice assist in absorption, so less brew is required to be consumed. Egg whites can be cooked into the mix, and strained out. This process "washes" most of the tannins in the mix, which are known to be extremely nauseating. Adding psilocybin mushrooms and cacao 30 minutes before, or into the brew is god-tier and seems to work with the nausea and transform it directly into emotional experience rather than physical discomfort.


Since my last post, I did die, a thousand times, over and over again, forever infinity thousand years Rick and Morty, and have drank my brew over 100 times, 90 of them withing a 90 day period which is known also as Dieta. It taught me much, and much of that it has taught me has stripped the flair and pomp and aggrandizement of typical psychedelic experiences and entheogenic rituals. Ritual and intention have a huge influence on how a medicine can affect a person, and many of the old ways are either lost or horrendously misshapen into grotesque caricatures of what they were. Peyote and DMT extract ritual ceremonies have been lost to time only to be revived by Don Howard, who seems to have re-popularized DMT snuff. While on the other hand, untrained shamans will overdose 90 lb girls with nicotine tea or sexually harass ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon's during her spirit journey. This is absurd but so obvious that people would abuse their poer, so I feel I must continue providing information to the world on how to retain your sovereignty and participate in holistic healing in a way YOU feel comfortable. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." There is truth to this statement, but it brings me to Marcus Aurelius, the Last Good Emperor of Rome. He had literal absolute power over his entire existence and could wallow in excess in every way imaginable and his directive GIVEN UNTO HIMSELF was to be the best man he could possibly be, and to overcome his state of being at every moment. This is the lesson that psychedelic entheogens have shown me over the years, and SMALL INCREMENTAL CHANGE is a key to finding yourself on that path without needing the rituals or entheogens. Minimizing input is how we maximize output, so integrating it into daily life is crucial to making positive change a reality.

Friday, February 28, 2014

How to make Cannabis Coconut Oil for Edibles

I use coconut oil for my edibles because it contains up to 60% medium chain triglycerides, which are very easy for the body to digest. It goes for those ones first, so it provides maximum efficiency for the cannabis.
-1/2 cup coconut oil
-1 cup water

Step One: Grind Cannabis Buds, Stems, Seeds into a fine powder.

Step Two: Add water and oil to small pot and bring oil to a simmer. Add cannabis.
Step Three: Keep water just below boiling, and let the oil simmer for about 2 hours. Since water boils at 212 degrees, by keeping it slightly below, you can ensure that the cannabis won't exceed 370 degrees, which is where it converts delta-9-THC into CBD, instead of 11-hydroxy-metabolite. That's the shit you want, it's 4-6 times stronger than delta-9. By using the gastrointestinal system to digest it, you involve the liver, which is where the magic happens. The cool part about using the water is that due to it's high specific heat, it takes a lot of energy to raise it 1 degree compared to raising oil by itself by 1 degree. This gives you a much more stable environment to not waste any of the cannabis. 

Step Four: Strain, and press out all the oil from the cannabis. Place this into the fridge and allow it to separate. This will result in some ookie brown water and some really bright green coconut/cannabis oil.

Step Five: When the coconut oil reaches freezing, which is much before the water, you can discard it. It's nasty and has all the hydrocarbons you don't want from smoking.
Step Six: Use this oil in any baking recipe, and make sure not to let it get over 370. Bake that shit on 320 for extra time, bitches.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Eternity In A Box

For all those who wish to find the best teacher plants on the internet, and have them safely, legally and swiftly delivered to your door, look no further but to for they have the best of the best. I get my Acacia Confusa and Syrian Rue from them. I would be very interested in trying more and more of their plants and writing about them, but time and money prevent me from doing it as much as I would like. Maybe they will like my reports and sponsor some more posts with surprise mail :D

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Acaciapsilohuasca and Meditation/Isolation Tank

T+0 min: Consume 3 grams of syrian rue seeds with juice, and wait for it to hit my stomach. I anticipate the nausea about on time, and go to the toilet and pass the last meal I have in my bowels. I now settle with the nausea of the syrian rue and smoke cannabis while it slowly works its way through my system. I perform about 20 minutes of yoga, watching dust motes and mild tracers appear across my field of vision, typical effects of cannabis and syrian rue. The Warrior 1 and 2 poses with sun reaching massaged my innards nicely, mediating the nausea and preparing me to consume the rest of my package.

T+60 min: Begin to drink 3g acacia tea and 1g of psilocybin mushrooms. While consuming this, I draw a bath and prepare the room for Isolation Tank work. The yoga has settled my stomach and root chakra regions, and my lung and heart chakras are nice and pumped from smoking. Warm tingles rise and fall with my breath and concentration, the more I focus on my perceptions, the more tingly I feel. The more distracted I get, the less good I feel. This is probably an indication of how Happiness can only be created internally for the self, otherwise you would have to take it from elsewhere, causing a vacuum of negative energy or bad karma or w/e. I find when I meditate and get really in the zone, I use this feeling, rather than my breath as the cornerstone of my focus. Its the feeling you get right before all the hair stands up on your body, the chill before the goosebumps, that wonderful feeling that encompasses the entire body while holding in an enormous breath of air.

T+90 min: I enter the isolation tank, and start to clear my mind. Images very similar to a man seated and meditating, surrounded by a tree of life and it rising and falling with lights slowly arose out of the darkness, and I continue to focus on full, deep breaths. That seems to be the key to good hallucinations and sensations, you just have to breath deep the entire time. Once your body gets used to the change in oxygen levels, you begin to trip really hard. Isolation tank work is always very wild, I always get to the building blocks of my consciousness rather than anything particular about my life. None of the traumas I know I've suppressed or anything, since I'm fairly certain I've let go of most of them, but the building blocks in my consciousness that they have affected. This is very useful, since I can see which behaviors have a basis in the things I dislike about people. It helps me curb it in myself, which seems keep the other people from exhibiting the negative behaviors as strongly. Usually people act in a way when confronted by something similar, and use the negative reaction to defend themselves. Still, personal responsibility dictates both have a responsibility to temper their reactions.

T+150 min: Dry off and go back to my room and put on music. Smoke more cannabis. Meditate further. Like the ancient ideal of morals, there are three sides of the battle, three sides of each tale, three solutions or options to each situation. We are faced with the options to perform our normal function and help others, while maintaining one's own safety and not exerting excessive amounts of effort, to not help the other for it will lead to harming one's self, or to go above and beyond one's duty and outperform your normal functions. Good, bad, and Uber. God, Satan and Jesus, almost. You can have a set of rules upon which you function, in hopes it is good, and constantly refine the system upon which things operate under. You can have an set of punishments, in hopes they will prevent those from doing these unfortunate actions. Or we can maintain a vigil and attain a level of consciousness where we do not wish to ever perform bad deeds, to only achieve for thy fellow man, to have such a duty to state and family that one acts purely selfishly and selflessly, for a truly powerful person has an understanding that he must make others happy to become happy himself. Ubermensh, Superman, Spartan, whatever you wish to call this person, who has forsaken material possessions, yet maintains a fine edge for with which to destroy all that seeks to destroy the beautiful world he wishes to exist in, and for it to exist for others to appreciate. It's that voice in the back of your head that tells you to go a little bit further, a little bit harder, a little bit longer. Achieve things that no one you know has done.

No one you know, for you only know yourself. One's inner world is the platform upon which they confront the outside world, and if one's platform is weak or filled with clutter, rather than having been built up with hours and hours of effort and pain and sweat and focus into a fortress from where you can defeat any challenge in front of you. One must put effort into their mind, their body and their spirit. And hone the edge of the blade, until the end. When Death finds you, may he find you alive.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Ayahuasca or Oral DMT, I dunno.

I was given a very tall cup of Syrian Rue tea and a very wide mug of Acacia Confusa tea upon arriving home last night, and was asked to test the concoction by it's brewer, who drank some earlier and purged four times. I decide to partake on this journey, but very slowly and to experience all the effects of each long pull from the cups. This will be my nonthreshold dose experience, since I had a failed one earlier in the year. What ensues is a quite intense battle of will with my material possessions, quite similar to what is described in Armageddon, Ragnarok, Bhagavad-Gita's eternal battle, etc etc etc.

T:0 - I begin drinking from the cup of rue, while contemplating the cannabis high I am riding from coming home. I notice that if I accept the flavor and not ignore it, it doesn't taste that bad. If I completely ignore the flavor, its no big deal, my stomach has to deal with it.  We did an egg wash to remove some tannins and whatnot, so it was much better than each time I've made rue tea. I also added grape juice, sugar and a dash of lemon for acidity to absorb better. Tracers begin to pop up, a general brightening of awareness has occurred, and I realize that ayahuasca is the MAOI trip, with the Ayahuasca Vine. It is just used as a term to standardize it, and people often mistake the different experiences one might have. Ayahuasca requires a purge to breakthrough. Making your own experience can allow you to remain in this realm and use the nausea and resistance of the present moment to help develop an Iron Will.

T+60 min - I begin drinking from the cup of acacia tea, and as it sets in, my feelings from earlier have been confirmed, and it begins to amplify all the feelings I am experiencing. Nausea builds, the feelings in my gut start to build, and I realize that if I resist, my body will just begin to shit and vomit without my consent. If I drink enough, and absorb it, and then throw up, I can reach a breakthrough experience. With my first trip, I didn't allow my body to absorb all 50mg of DMT required to achieve the levels of imagery I had wanted, but the more perfect my mirror, the less I will see. Smoking DMT is how I will see stuff if I really wanna see stuff. I wanna make myself into the best person I can be, and I now realize this in it's entirety. Urges and temptations to deviate from your force of will arise from the body, for unless you are literally dying, you can do this thing at another time. While you are on ayahuasca, you notice this, for you must cling to the present moment to not fly out there and be smeared across the cosmos for an immeasurable amount of time.

For most, this is the goal, but they tend not to notice that they are inside of themselves, in their inner world. They are the conduit of experience, combining their realm of Reason, probably like 7th or 8th dimensional or chakral or whatever with their realm of Animals, 4th dimensional or stomach chakra or whatever you wanna call it. 12th dimensional or however far String Theory or whatever you wanna call it has gone is just The Entire Equation. We are conduits for a certain level of this equation, the Potentiometer with our finite qualities to explore the infinite arrangements that Imperfect, Self-Replicating, Self-Correcting Universe they are in.

When one undergoes extreme physical duress, one can finally understand their body is their only Physical Possession, and the feelings it provides arise from the things you force it to undergo. One must shed their material possessions to achieve true happiness, even if it only exists in the present moment for this is all that you have left, once you've used up all your material possessions. Appreciation is love, for one loves themselves. Want is lust, for one wants others for themselves, misunderstanding that all is one. God either created everything so we all should love each other, or there is no god and all we have is our love for each other. The body is merely the vehicle for which you apply your willpower, which is merely a collection of all your experiences and all the possibilities surrounding those that your brain can hold. All of these things are finite, other than the infinite arrangement it can be put into.

As above, so below. You're a faggot, case closed.

T+120 min: Finished applying my will to my physical body, and then relinquished it and slept.