

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How to combat Ayahuasca Nausea?
-I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the Ayahuasca Dieta and its adherence is one, surefire way to assure a much reduced level of nausea from the brew, while still providing all the purgative benefits. However, strict adherence over at least a 2 week period depending on individual body type is quite the caveat to modern life, not to mention coming off of SSRI's, anti-psychotics, and other pharmaceutical drugs many rely on for function for an even longer period of 6-12 weeks. I'm not advocating those drugs, but I am here to try and provide a harm-reduction approach that has worked for me in the past. By adding or subtracting certain alkaloids in the mix, you can affect your reaction. Ginger, green tea, chamomile, honey, and lemon juice assist in absorption, so less brew is required to be consumed. Egg whites can be cooked into the mix, and strained out. This process "washes" most of the tannins in the mix, which are known to be extremely nauseating. Adding psilocybin mushrooms and cacao 30 minutes before, or into the brew is god-tier and seems to work with the nausea and transform it directly into emotional experience rather than physical discomfort.


Since my last post, I did die, a thousand times, over and over again, forever infinity thousand years Rick and Morty, and have drank my brew over 100 times, 90 of them withing a 90 day period which is known also as Dieta. It taught me much, and much of that it has taught me has stripped the flair and pomp and aggrandizement of typical psychedelic experiences and entheogenic rituals. Ritual and intention have a huge influence on how a medicine can affect a person, and many of the old ways are either lost or horrendously misshapen into grotesque caricatures of what they were. Peyote and DMT extract ritual ceremonies have been lost to time only to be revived by Don Howard, who seems to have re-popularized DMT snuff. While on the other hand, untrained shamans will overdose 90 lb girls with nicotine tea or sexually harass ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon's during her spirit journey. This is absurd but so obvious that people would abuse their poer, so I feel I must continue providing information to the world on how to retain your sovereignty and participate in holistic healing in a way YOU feel comfortable. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." There is truth to this statement, but it brings me to Marcus Aurelius, the Last Good Emperor of Rome. He had literal absolute power over his entire existence and could wallow in excess in every way imaginable and his directive GIVEN UNTO HIMSELF was to be the best man he could possibly be, and to overcome his state of being at every moment. This is the lesson that psychedelic entheogens have shown me over the years, and SMALL INCREMENTAL CHANGE is a key to finding yourself on that path without needing the rituals or entheogens. Minimizing input is how we maximize output, so integrating it into daily life is crucial to making positive change a reality.